Saturday 30 April 2011

The Royal Wedding 29th April 2011

I cannot help but feel excited about the Royal wedding and I cannot pinpoint exactly why ; perhaps because I have moved closer to London now , or maybe because I have visited the lovely worldfamous golf and University town of St.Andrews in Scotland so many times where the ' Royal love ' blossomed, or maybe because April ,particularly this year is the month of my five year engagement anniversary and four year 'Ceilidh anniversary ' (My wedding reception /scottish dance party).Or maybe because I am just an old-fashioned big romantic at heart that likes to rejoice at  happy endings and glamourous weddings for a loved-up couple.

    According to me, Kate and William really make a great pair and Kate has won the nation's hearts and bowled us all over with her powerhouse personality. Not only is she an immaculate dresser , she is also extremely intelligent , has  a great figure,  height and lovely smile . She knows what she's getting into via this marriage into the royal family and has made the decision to marry at a mature age of 29 years which is great as she's had time to do all she wanted in her twenties after seeking a degree at the prestigious St.Andrew's University . I hope she's being a good role model for other young girls who will be inspired to gain a University degree, take their time to work and find their true calling , get in shape and dress up in a sophisticated manner and finally settle down happily with a man of their own choice.

        The whole of the United Kingdom had erupted into a frenzy yesterday at the Royal wedding with feasts ,street parties and celebrations everywhere in public and private places .What was particularly great was the crisp dry weather and the fact that the wedding date was planned alongside the long Mayday weekend so that everyone could relax . Though I was working from home , I managed to watch most of the wedding and like so many others , I thought the entire wedding was great , and the bride was absolutely classy in her modest gown that did'nt reveal much and had a manageable trail that was'nt over the top .

  I 'd been missing my girlfriends from Glasgow and we were supposed to visit my uncle -in-law Malcolm MacDonald in the evening of the wedding ,but the visit had to be cancelled due to a last - minute medical problem, but that did'nt stop me from having a 'Royal tea-party' of my own with Martyn . I'd been shopping for ' Royal Britannia ' souveniers ,but nothing much caught my fancy and most of it was tacky anyways so finally a disposable wipe-clean plain red tablecloth and Union Jack print tea-towel from Tesco was the ideal base for my tea-table , topped with my two printed tea-pots and vintage cake plates that I ordered online and took ages to be delivered . I  took some tips from newspapers and magazines on how to organise your own 'Royal tea party' and baked some heart shaped cookies , special stuffed cupcakes (bake it, slice the top, stuff with whipped cream and strawberry, replace the conical top, ice with whipped cream and whole strawberry ) and decorated a Victoria Sponge cake in Union Jack pattern with strawberries,red grapes and blueberries . I also iced some cupcakes with cherry blossom petals and some with red and blue icing flowers .  I was glued to the tv screen all day and all evening , and since all preparation and baking had been done the previous day, all we did was relax , sip tea and eat cupcakes all day . It was a small but very original and creative celebration at home sans alcohol so there was no hangover to worry about .